Dear Mr. Melissa Blake:
Love is a funny thing, isn't it? I know, Sweetpea, that's a pretty broad, obvious statement, but sometimes -- like right now -- the obvious statement are sometimes the ones we never see. I've been thinking about that moment lately. Do you know the moment I'm talking about? Oh, I'm sure I've tried to discuss it at one time or another with you. The moment I realized that I was completely, no-going-back, my-heart-is-yours-forever in love with you. The possibilities for that one, single moment are endless, if you ask me. It could end up being the night we stayed up until 3 a.m. talking on the phone until we both couldn't stay awake any longer. It could end up being the time you dressed up as Lloyd Dobbler for Halloween and stood outside my window blasting In Your Eyes from a stereo. It could end up being the time I saw you helping my mom fix some things around the house. Or, it could end up being the time we had that huge, saying-things-we-don't-mean fight and then 30 minutes later realized that our lives were better together than apart.

And who's to say each of our moments will be the same, Sweetpea? What's just another movie date to you could be the time I realize how sweet you are when you give me your jacket in the cold theater. Or maybe what's an otherwise boring afternoon of painting our living room, an event that maybe leaves me uttering a few choice words (I'm just warning you here, Sweetpea...), for me turns out to be the day you learn to love my constant singing. Suddenly, those ordinary moments are turning into extraordinary milestones.
But what if there is no moment? I'm so focused on one single, life-changing, earth-shattering event that will be crystal-clear proof of my, well, in-loveness (Is that even a word?) that I might forget one little thing: Maybe love isn't really a moment. Maybe it's thousands of tiny moments.

In the end, maybe everything adds up, and only then do you stand back and say, "Oh, wow. So that's what that was." For the first time, you stand back, at just the right distance, and instead of seeing the shapes of each puzzle piece, you see the beauty of the puzzle in its entirety.
And maybe, just maybe, love isn't something you can see when you're actually going through it. Does that make sense, Sweetpea? Love isn't something you plan. You can't make an appointment with it and mark it on your calendar like you do your upcoming date with the dentist. I have a feeling lots of those little moments are going to sneak up on us, Sweetpea. Aren't you excited. I just know it's all going to be an amazing adventure. Until we meet... xoxo

[Photos via We Heart It]


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