Today, Lindsay takes us behind the scenes of Delighted Momma, her blog about her life and everything in it that makes her happy, especially being a wife and mother. Lindsay is one of the sweetest bloggers out there, and I hope you enjoy reading her story. And as always, I'd love to feature you and your blog, so feel free to email me (mellow1422 [at] aol)...

Quick facts
Birthday...August 9
Where are you from...Southern California
3 words that describe you...passionate, wife and mother
Blog: Delighted Momma
When did you start your blog...I started it in February 2011

What inspired you to start a blog?
I have always been the type of person who has a million ideas going through my head at any given moment, and I wanted to have a place where I could share them. My hope was to inspire other women to feel confident that they could also create and do things that they may have never tried before.

What do you love the most about blogging? Does anything about it stress you out?
I love that it is a creative outlet that keeps my imagination young and constantly flowing. Hmmm, the only thing that stresses me out is sometimes there is not enough time in the day to do all that I would like to do with my blog.

If you had to describe your blog in one sentence, what would you say?
Empowering women and mothers to do it themselves.
What has blogging taught you?
That I am more creative than I thought I was! ;)

What advice do you have for new bloggers?
Do it for you and write about what makes YOU tick. Be authentic. Don't get caught up in numbers and how many people comment on your blog in the beginning. It takes time, and try to remember it is marathon not a sprint.

Where do you see yourself and your blog in 5 years?
I would hope my blog as well as my family will expand in the next 5 years which will provide new adventures that I will share with my readers.

What has surprised you the most about blogging?
How many other wonderful and inspiring women are out there..its unbelievable.


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