Remember when we discussed favorite songs last week? Did you get to thinking about your own? I'd love to hear more of them, and as always, feel free to email me (mellow1422 [at] aol) with your questions, friends...
“It’s Over” (Boz Scaggs)
Key lyrics: Why can’t you just get it through your head?/It’s over, it’s over now.
A song for anyone who has ever had trouble, well, getting it through their head and realizing something has been over for quite awhile; all the while, you’re the last one to realize said ending. Oh, and if you need a laugh after reading these depressing lyrics, just picture this: Me, sitting alone in my room singing this at the top of my lungs. If you want proof, just ask my sister.

"Fields of Gold" (Sting)
Key lyrics: Will you stay with me, will you be my love?/Among the fields of barley/We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky/As we lie in the fields of gold.
It’s probably really unconventional, but I’ve loved this song since I first heard it when I was 12. It's been my all-time favorite song ever since. I've even been known to listen to it on repeat for long stretches of time -- we're talking hours here, friends. But, seriously, don’t you think this would be a really romantic song to slow dance to?

"(I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight" (Cutting Crew)
Key lyrics: Is there any just cause for feeling like this?/On the surface I'm a name on a list/I try to be discreet, but then blow it again.
Just change the female pronouns to masculine ones in this song, and this one is pretty obvious, isn’t it? Just picture me, trying ever-so-subtly to be cool, calm and discreet, and not five minutes later, I say or do something incredibly awkward. Sometimes both simultaneously.

“Hey Stephen” (Taylor Swift)
Key lyrics: Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving/But I know I saw a light in you/And as we walked we were talking/I didn't say half the things I wanted to.
I always said that had this song come out in, oh, 1998, I would have died right on the spot. Big reveal: Crush Boy’s name is Stephen. Back then, I never said all the things I wanted to. Flashforward to 2009. I said everything. It didn’t end so well. Live and learn, right?

[Photo via We Heart It]


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