Here's a 21st-Century question, friends: Do you burn the midnight oil typing people's names into that handy-dandy little thing called Google, staring for hours at the glowing light of the computer screen "oooohing" and "ahhhhing" over each new discovery?

Maybe you do. Maybe you don't. Maybe you don't want to admit it either way. But one thing is clear: Google has permanently etched its way into the English lexicon. It's no longer a Web site. It's a verb. People Google. And usually, people are googling other people.

Now, I'll admit that I'm a pretty big fan of Google when it comes to love. Googling is like watching preview before a movie. The previews don’t necessarily give anything away, but it also doesn’t leave you completely in the dark either. At the very least, it’s an efficient way to weed out the good from the bad. And while you probably won’t discover the guy’s entire life story with a few clicks of the mouse, you’ll find out the important parts (read: the OMG red flags) – depending on your level of Googling skills and your understanding of synonyms and word permutations.
Translation: you’ll get the perfect snapshot, like whether he has a criminal record, is wanted in another state (or country), whether he’s married or even whether he was once a she. Consider it the best form of pre-date contraception, a way to ward off the unwanted consequences of a not-so-great guy.

So, friends, tell me: Who do you Google the most? Your boyfriend? Your best friend? Your coworker? Yourself?

[Photos via Le Love


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