Tamil upcoming action masala movie Sandamarutham stars Oviya and Sarathkumar which is directed by A. Venkatesh. Actor Sarathkumar playing a dual roles with actress Oviya and Meera Nandan in a lead pair cast. Also starring Radhika Sarathkumar, Samuthirakani, Radha Ravi, Thambi Ramaiah, Vijayakumar, Imman Annachi, Venniradai Moorthy, Delhi Ganesh, Kadhal Dhandapani, Avinash, Vincent Asokan and Singampuli. Radhika Sarathkumar the film Sandamarutham is a producer. The film will be release this month 2015.

Tags: Tamil actress Oviya Helen spicy stills with actor Sarathkumar , actress Oviya in Sandamarutham movie hot stills, Oviya in Sandamarutham Tamil movie spicy stills, actress Oviya latest stills in Sandamarutham movie, Oviya in Sandamarutham Tamil movie latest photos, Oviya in Sandamarutham movie bouncing top latest pics, actress Oviya in Sandamarutham movie pink top photos, actress Oviya in Sandamarutham movie hot dance picture, Oviya Helen latest stills in Sandamarutham, Oviya new picture in Sandamarutham movie, Oviya pics in Sandamarutham movie, Oviya with Sarathkumar stills in Sandamarutham movie, Sandamarutham stills actress Oviya and actor Sarathkumar, Oviya in Sandamarutham Tamil movie latest stills.


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