What is your ultimate favorite chick flick?
Oh, Wendy, you know my Acilles heel! I've talked about romantic comedies before and my undying love for them. But my favorite? The one that has me busting out the root beer and popcorn (or Reese's if I'm in a chocolate mood...)? Get ready, friends...
And, of course, my favorite quotes...
"Luanne, why don't we just go up there and say "This was our last weekend together, and we didn't feel like going to Fort Sumter and touring goddamn colonial homes. We wanted to go to the beach and meet boys and go to wild parties and dance." I mean why can't we tell them the truth?"
"This is the MOST fun!"
"Y'all, I'm wild. I guess I've been wild all along...I just didn't know it until now."
As always, feel free to send me your questions (mellow1422 (at) aol) or post them here! xoxo
P.S. An awesome fashion round-up inspired by the movie!
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